Bếp từ 4 vùng nấu Simplicity IT643SYB

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Đặc điểm nổi bật của Bếp từ 4 vùng nấu Simplicity IT643SYB

 ChildLock Pro Always safety first 
ChildLock Pro function is made specially for families with small children. Leaving the kids in the kitchen unattended, has never been safer since this option prevents them turning on the hob. In more advanced models this function can be activated in customer setting mode, which will automatically lock the hob at every switch-off. Otherwise you can lock the hob by pressing the symbol.
 AutoDetect Instantly detects pot position
Within the first 10 seconds after the hob is switched on, it will automatically detect the pot position and activate just the right cooking zone, single or connected, depending on the pot size. The function can also be manually activated at any time during the cooking process.
 Flush installation Sleek and elegant
Another bonus is definitely flush installation, which means smooth transition between the hob and the worktop. It is easier to clean and brings a modern, stylish look to your kitchen.
= PowerBoost Cooking on fast-forward
The PowerBoost function intensifies heating, resulting in significantly less heating-up time.
 SoftMelt One, two, chocolate
The SoftMelt function gently melts chocolate or butter at a constant temperature of 42 ˚C, thereby creating perfect conditions for melting, without burning. This function can also be used for gentle defrosting.

Thông số kỹ thuật

Bếp từ 4 vùng nấu Simplicity IT643SYB

Màu sắc: Đen
Chất liệu bề mặt: Ceramic Glass
Kích thước sản phẩm (DxCxR) cm: 60 × 5.4 × 52.5
Kích thước vùng nấu:
Vùng nấu 1: Ø 18 cm, 1.4/2.1 kW
Vùng nấu 2: Ø 16 cm, 1.4/1.85 kW
Vùng nấu 3: Ø 18 cm, 1.4/2.1 kW
Vùng nấu 4: Ø 21 cm, 2.3/3 kW
Kích thước sản phẩm sau khi đóng gói (DxCxR) cm: 64 × 16 × 59
Kích thước lắp đặt (DxCxR) cm: 56-56.2 × 7 × 49.5
Tổng khối lượng (kg): 9.0
Khối lượng tịnh (kg): 8.5
Công suất (W): 7200
Điện năng tiêu thụ ở chế độ chờ (W): 0.5

Tính năng nổi bật

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